battle of the books: book list

battle of the books - indiana

Book List

A Printer-Friendly version of the 2017-2018 Book List will be uploaded soon.

2017-2018 Book List

(Please make sure you have the most updated version: Version 1.2)


Graphic Novels



Picture Books

A note:

We understand the incredible value that illustrators play in communicating a story. We chose to include the illustrators’ names for only the books listed in the picture book section, but hope that you will pay attention to the illustrators’ names for every book you read. Questions about the illustrations are allowed for every book on the list, as this is an integral part of the story.

How are Battle of the Books books selected?

The books were selected by a committee made up of Books for a Better World members and representatives from our partnerships: EVSC and Evansville Public Libraries. Looking at a large list of submitted suggestions, we narrowed down the books based off of availability in libraries and selected books using a set of criteria. The criteria were: reading level, interest, gender focus, cultural/ethnic emphasis, and format of the book. 

Submit suggestions for next year’s book list by November 1st, 2017 by sending an email to

Where are the books located?

There are many ways to obtain the books on the list. Here are some of the places to check, based off of what is easiest for you to access:

*Please be respectful to your teammates and other participants by keeping in mind that if a book is checked out for an extended length of time, that it restricts access to it by everyone. 

Past Booklists

2016-2017 Book List here.